How to Get Rid of Gum Infection Without Antibiotics

Saltwater rinses help to sterilize your mouth and reduce bacterial growth. Simply add 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of water and swish for a few minutes before spitting.

Baking soda

Baking soda is an incredibly versatile household ingredient. It’s used for baking, as an antacid, and to clean the kitchen and bathroom. It’s also a common ingredient in oral care products. If you walk down any oral care aisle, you’ll see it in many brands of toothpaste.

The mildly abrasive nature of baking soda helps remove surface stains from teeth and whiten them. It’s also a popular remedy for canker sores in the mouth. Mix a teaspoon of baking soda with water to make a paste and apply it to the affected area twice a day until the sore heals.

Gingivitis is a common condition that can cause swollen gums and bleed when brushing or flossing. Baking soda can help treat and prevent gingivitis by lowering bacteria levels in the mouth. It can also rebalance the acid in the mouth and fight against bad breath.

Saltwater rinse

Using a salt water rinse can help ease pain and swelling in the gums. It also has antibacterial properties that can treat the infection causing the pain. You can prepare a salt water rinse by mixing a teaspoon of salt with lukewarm water and swishing it around your mouth for several seconds before spitting it out. It is recommended to do this two or three times a day.

Clove oil has natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce swelling, pain, and redness in the gums. It can be applied directly to the affected area for quick relief. However, you should not apply clove oil to the teeth or gums for extended periods of time, as it can cause liver damage.

Although home remedies can be effective in reducing the symptoms of a gum infection, they are not a cure. Regular oral hygiene practices, such as brushing and flossing, should be combined with dental care to prevent further complications.

Fenugreek tea

Fenugreek tea has antibacterial properties and can help reduce inflammation. It can also be used as a mouthwash to relieve pain and treat the infection. You can boil a cup of water and add one teaspoon of ground fenugreek seeds. Let it cool and then apply the solution on the affected area with a cotton ball several times a day for the best results.

Other home remedies for gum infection include clove essential oil and hydrogen peroxide. Clove essential oil has analgesic properties and is an effective natural antibiotic, while hydrogen peroxide can kill bacteria in the mouth.

Another home remedy is saltwater rinse. Salt is a natural disinfectant and can kill bacteria that cause swelling. Mix a teaspoon of salt with warm water and rinse your mouth thrice a day. You can also use a mixture of equal parts of lemon juice and water to wash your mouth.

Cold compress

Using cold compresses can help relieve pain and reduce swelling. To make a cold compress, heat water to a tolerable temperature (not boiling) and soak a cloth in it. Then, gently press the cloth against your face near the location of the tooth infection (not directly on your gums). Use this remedy several times throughout the day to alleviate pain and inflammation.

Saltwater rinse is also an effective home remedy for gum infections because it helps kill bacteria, removes excess abscesses, and promotes healing. Combine a teaspoon of table salt and half a cup of warm water. Swish the mixture in your mouth for a minute and then spit it out.

Fenugreek and Goldenseal tea are excellent home remedies for swollen gums. These herbs are full of immunity-boosting antibiotic properties that can eliminate the symptoms of gum infections. You can find these plants in any grocery store.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a natural antiseptic that helps reduce bacteria in the mouth and can help with gum infection. It can also be used to disinfect cuts and scrapes. It is available over the counter and is safe to use in your mouth. Mix a solution of equal parts hydrogen peroxide and water and swish it in your mouth for about a minute, then spit it out. Repeat this a few times a day.

Fenugreek and goldenseal tea are also effective home remedies for a tooth infection. Both of these plants have immune-boosting antibiotic properties and can be found in many grocery stores. The teas can help alleviate pain and inflammation from an infected tooth.

Oregano oil is another natural remedy for a tooth infection. It can be mixed with a carrier oil to prevent irritation and applied to the affected area. It can also be added to a toothbrush or mouthwash for daily use.


Alcohol is a part of many people’s lifestyles and can be enjoyed in moderation. But when consumed consistently, it can cause serious damage to the teeth and gums. Alcohol increases the amount of bacteria in the mouth which leads to gum disease. It also erodes the outer layer of the teeth, leaving them exposed to sensitivity and darkening.

Many alcoholic beverages are high in sugar and citrus which makes them more likely to stain the teeth. The acidity in these drinks also breaks down the tooth’s enamel and can lead to cavities. To avoid staining your teeth, drink alcoholic drinks through a straw and rinse your mouth afterward.

Alcohol also dehydrates the mouth, causing it to dry out. This can prevent the production of saliva which is essential for removing bacterial plaque. It can also accelerate the progression of gum disease from gingivitis to periodontitis.

By ashdev

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